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Contents of /asterisk/wakeconfirm.agi

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Revision 26 - (show annotations)
Thu Jan 24 21:32:32 2008 UTC (16 years, 7 months ago) by apollock
File size: 5865 byte(s)
Initial commit

1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 use strict;
4 use warnings;
6 use Asterisk::AGI;
7 use Time::localtime;
8 use File::Basename;
9 use File::stat;
10 use POSIX qw(strftime);
12 my $TMPDIR="/var/spool/asterisk/tmp";
13 #my $TMPDIR="/tmp";
14 my $CALLDIR="/var/spool/asterisk/outgoing";
15 my $MSGDIR="/tmp";
17 my $AGI = new Asterisk::AGI;
19 our $callfile;
21 # TODO
22 # Generate a whole new call file, not copy the existing one
23 # Pass the name of the message file (if there is one) as the parameter to wakeconfirm.agi
24 # snooze() needs to work with the generated call file, not that was previously
25 # passed as an argument
26 # Deal with the fact that the hangup handler is called when hanging up after
27 # wakeup call confirmation
29 sub hangup_handler($)
30 {
31 my ($result) = @_;
32 snooze(2);
33 exit(0);
34 }
36 sub snooze($)
37 {
38 my ($minutes) = @_;
39 my $time = (split(/\./, $callfile))[0];
40 my $retrytime = time() + ($minutes * 60);
41 my $newtime = strftime("%H%M", CORE::localtime($retrytime));
42 my $newcallfile = $callfile;
43 $newcallfile =~ s/^${time}\./${newtime}./;
44 utime($retrytime, $retrytime, $TMPDIR . "/" . $callfile);
45 loggit("Snoozing for $minutes minutes");
46 loggit("Attempting rename(${TMPDIR}/${callfile}, ${CALLDIR}/${newcallfile}");
47 return rename("${TMPDIR}/${callfile}", "${CALLDIR}/${newcallfile}");
48 }
50 sub signal_handler($)
51 {
52 my ($sig) = @_;
53 loggit("Death by $sig");
54 exit(0);
55 }
57 sub loggit($)
58 {
59 my ($message) = @_;
60 open(LOG, ">>", "/tmp/wakeup2.log");
61 print LOG scalar CORE::localtime(time) . ": " . $message . "\n";
62 close(LOG);
63 }
65 # Copies the call file back to the temporary directory, filtering out any
66 # retry information.
67 sub copy_call($$)
68 {
69 my ($src, $dst) = @_;
70 open(SRC, "<", $src);
71 open(DST, ">", $dst . "/" . basename($src));
72 while(<SRC>) {
73 next if (/^.*Retry:/);
74 print DST $_;
75 }
76 close(SRC);
77 close(DST);
78 }
80 # Create a new call
81 sub create_call($$)
82 {
83 my ($channel, $message) = @_;
84 my $chan;
85 ($chan = $channel) =~ s!/!.!g;
86 my $filename = strftime("%H%M", CORE::localtime()) . "." . $chan . ".call";
87 open(CALL, ">", $TMPDIR . "/" . $filename) || die "Open for $filename failed: $!";
88 print CALL "channel: $channel\n";
89 print CALL "maxretries: 3\n";
90 print CALL "retrytime: 60\n";
91 print CALL "waittime: 24\n";
92 print CALL "callerid: \"Wake Up\" <800>\n";
93 print CALL "application: AGI\n";
94 if ($message) {
95 print CALL "data: wakeconfirm.agi|${message}\n";
96 } else {
97 print CALL "data: wakeconfirm.agi\n";
98 }
99 close(CALL);
100 return $filename;
101 }
103 # Plays a list of audio files, allowing key-ahead for any of the expected
104 # digits, returns the digit entered or the return code if none entered
105 sub get_digit($$$)
106 {
107 my ($AGI, $parts, $valid_digits) = @_;
108 my $rc;
109 my $digit = "";
110 # stream each part, bail out early on valid digit entry
111 foreach my $part (@{$parts}) {
112 $rc = $AGI->stream_file($part, join("", @{$valid_digits}));
113 if ($rc) {
114 last;
115 }
116 }
117 # Save the digit if we got one early
118 if ($rc) {
119 $digit .= ($rc - ord('0'));
120 } else {
121 $rc = $AGI->wait_for_digit(15000);
122 if ($rc) {
123 $digit .= ($rc - ord('0'));
124 }
125 }
126 # return what we got if we got something, otherwise the 0/-1 return code
127 if ($digit) {
128 return $digit;
129 } else {
130 return $rc;
131 }
132 }
134 # Returns true if the user managed to answer the mathematical problem
135 sub confirm_cancel($)
136 {
137 my ($AGI) = @_;
138 my $rc;
139 my $a = int(rand(99)) + 1;
140 my $b = int(rand(99)) + 1;
141 my $c = $a + $b;
143 $AGI->stream_file('please-answer-the-following');
144 $AGI->say_number($a);
145 $AGI->stream_file('plus');
146 $AGI->say_number($b);
147 $rc = $AGI->get_data('equals', 15000, length($c));
149 if ($rc == $c) {
150 return 1;
151 } else {
152 return 0;
153 }
154 }
156 my %input = $AGI->ReadParse();
157 my $channel = (split("-", $input{'channel'}))[0];
158 my $messagefile = $ARGV[0];
159 $AGI->setcallback(\&hangup_handler);
160 # Cute, Asterisk sends the AGI a SIGHUP if the caller hangs up.
161 $SIG{'HUP'} = 'IGNORE';
163 my $rc;
165 # Copy the call file back to the $TMPDIR so the hangup handler can reschedule
166 # it if need be
167 #copy_call($CALLDIR . "/" . $callfile, $TMPDIR);
168 $callfile = create_call($channel, $messagefile);
170 $AGI->answer();
172 sleep(1);
174 $rc = $AGI->stream_file('good');
175 loggit("(good) \$rc = $rc");
176 if (localtime->hour() >= 18) {
177 $rc = $AGI->stream_file('evening');
178 loggit("(evening) \$rc = $rc");
179 } elsif (localtime->hour() >= 12) {
180 $rc = $AGI->stream_file('afternoon');
181 loggit("(afternoon) \$rc = $rc");
182 } else {
183 $rc = $AGI->stream_file('morning');
184 loggit("(morning) \$rc = $rc");
185 }
187 $AGI->stream_file('this-is-yr-wakeup-call');
189 if (($messagefile) && (-r $MSGDIR . "/" . $messagefile)) {
190 loggit("Attempting to play ${MSGDIR}/$messagefile");
191 $rc = $AGI->stream_file($MSGDIR . "/" . basename($messagefile, ".wav"));
192 loggit("(recording) \$rc = $rc");
193 }
195 # present menu of choices
197 my $choice;
198 do {
199 $choice = get_digit($AGI, ['to-cancel-wakeup', 'press-1',
200 'to-snooze-for', 'digits/5', 'minutes', 'press-2', 'to-snooze-for',
201 'digits/10', 'minutes', 'press-3', 'to-snooze-for', 'digits/15',
202 'minutes', 'press-4'], [1,2,3,4]);
204 if ($choice == 1) {
205 loggit("User would like to cancel wakeup call");
206 if (confirm_cancel($AGI)) {
207 loggit("Cancellation confirmed");
208 if (-r $MSGDIR . "/" . $messagefile) {
209 unlink($MSGDIR . "/" . $messagefile);
210 }
211 $AGI->stream_file('wakeup-call-cancelled');
212 $AGI->stream_file('goodbye');
213 sleep(1);
214 $AGI->hangup();
215 exit(0);
216 } else {
217 loggit("Cancellation not confirmed");
218 $AGI->stream_file('vm-sorry');
219 $AGI->stream_file('please-hang-up-and-try-again');
220 $AGI->stream_file('later');
221 snooze(2);
222 $AGI->hangup();
223 exit(0);
224 }
225 } elsif ($choice == 2) {
226 snooze(5);
227 exit(0);
228 } elsif ($choice == 3) {
229 snooze(10);
230 exit(0);
231 } elsif ($choice == 4) {
232 snooze(15);
233 exit(0);
234 } else {
235 loggit("Unexpected response");
236 }
237 } until ($choice == 1 || $choice == 2 || $choice == 3 || $choice == 4);
239 loggit("This should never be reached");


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